r Publications

Chris Lange-Küttner

Cognitive Development


From Objects to Scenes

Visual Cognition

From Search to Memory

Words and Sounds

From Sounds to Words

January 2025

The INSIDE project is a longitudinal study of pupils who are in schools that provide inclusive education. At the beginning of the secondary school tier, there were 22 pupils with an autism diagnosis, two of them female, at ages 11 to 14 years. A comparison group with case-control matching in terms of gender and exact age in months was created by randomly selecting datasets of pupils from a large INSIDE panel (N = 2693). Adolescents with autism had the same level of competence in reading and mathematics as the comparison group but language grades were lower, most likely because of shortcomings in classroom discussion contributions. Factor analysis of questionnaires about the academic and social self-concept and school inclusion explained between 66.8% to 80.1% of the variance. In adolescents with autism, clear psychological dimensions of positive self-esteem, self-control, and peer relationships emerged. In contrast, in the comparison group, peer relationships were relevant for nearly every dimension showing the importance of social context for mainstream pupils. There was also a difference insofar as for adolescents with autism, critical thinking and evaluation was an important dimension, while for the comparison group, independent decision-making and speaking up was more relevant. Thus, while there was some common ground, there were differences revealed in both the composition of the main factors as well as in crucial anchor items of factors that explained less variance.

September 2022

The manuscript of Lange-Küttner, C., Beckles, C.F., Ahmed, R.K., & Fisher, L.E. 'Rich and sparse figurative information in children’s memory for colorful places' has been accepted by the APA journal Developmental Psychology. We turned the conventional memory arrays inside out as in the retrieval array, places were colorful and placeholders were uniform black stars and compared it to the usual arrays with colorful individual shapes whose locations need to be remembered.

August 2022

A study on drawing a spacebox (with filmclips of recorded drawings) has been accepted and is in press. We found that the negative space technique drawing air around objects could be used with children from 9 years onwards.

Lange-Küttner, C., & Vinueza-Chavez, X. (in press). The space paradox in graphic representation. In Fabris, M. A., et al. (Eds.) (2022). Children’s drawings: Evidence-based research and practice. Frontiers Research Topic 

July 2021

The manuscript of Lange-Küttner, C., & Puiu, A. A. 'Perceptual load and sex-specific personality traits: The impact of the Big Five Personality dimensions and the Autism Quotient on visual search' has been accepted by the Hogrefe journal Experimental Psychology, H-Index 56

March 2021

The manuscript of Lange-Küttner, C., Averbeck, B. B., Hentschel, M., & Baumbach, J. 'Intelligence matters for stochastic feedback processing during sequence learning in adolescents and young adults' is accepted by the journal Intelligence, H-Index 86

New published test: Lange-Küttner, C. (2021). Common Region Test (CRT). A drawing test for assessment of the development of spatial organization in children [Database record]. PsycTESTS control number 9999-79011-000.

February 2021

The APA article in Developmental Psychology on the new mental rotation test by Nikolay Lütke is now available in print. It demonstrates that there is an optimal 3D cube aggregate with 4 elements that can be used with children. So far, mostly 2D pictures were used.

December 2020

The invited manuscript Lange-Küttner, C., & Kochhar, R. 'The culture-fair Common Region Test (CRT)' has been accepted for publication by Academia Letters

November 2020

The manuscript Lütke, N. & Lange-Küttner, C. 'The magical number four in children’s mental rotation of cube aggregates' has been accepted by the APA journal Developmental Psychology H-Index 203